Domiciliary Care Vacancies
These are a snapshot of some current vacancies. Many providers will still be looking for staff so if you can't see a role that suits you then just complete our online form and we can support you to find something
These Care Providers are either local or national companies who deliver care and support to the people in our communities who live in their own homes. A high number of people choose to live independently in their own homes but need support with daily activities. This can include:
Personal care (support to get up and ready for the day / washing / bathing / showering / dressing etc)
Meals (support to eat a nutritional meal)
Medication (support to prompt with medication that they are prescribed from a GP)
Moving and Handling (support to move around their home which can include using various equipment eg hoists)
Security (ensuring that people are safe in their homes)
Ready for bed (support with helping people retire for the evening and personal care etc)
The Domiciliary Care Providers employ Care Workers to work on ‘rounds’ out in the communities visiting clients for an allocated time that is usually assessed by a Kirklees Social Worker (or if on a private contract by the client or family). Due to some of the rural areas of Kirklees these care providers usually employ staff that can drive and have transport. We are currently trying to encourage more ‘walking rounds’ for care workers that are ‘non drivers’ in the more urban / residential areas.